Hello!I am back tonight with another bouquet from last weekend. I am still using the Pierre de Ronsard roses from my mum's garden but I decided to mix them with some irises that are growing next to the pond. I usually try to stick to one colour scheme when I make my bouquets and avoid mixing blues and pinks. but I really think it works in this arrangement.
Don't you think?
I like the contrast between the colours and also between the length of the stems. I also added some blue aquilegia to enhance the irises.
I hope you like this one as much as I do.
I wish you all a good night!
pink roses and red foliage
Hello everyone,The trouble when you come back from a lovely weekend with more than 500 flower pic on your memory card is take it takes you ages to view them, select the best ones and edit them to post on the blog when you get back. The good thing is that you have no regret and it feels you with good vibes. I was telling Mr. Love yesterday night that the only thing I can see when I close my eyes is petals and flowers. There are worst things in the world. I hope you enjoy this little bouquet. Have a great week everyone!
red garden roses
Hello everyone!The days are getting colder and shorter here. The time of dahlia has come. But today I wanted to show you this beautiful roses, and you can arrange them in small vases and glasses to make a little charming composition.
I really love making mini bouquets and grouping them at the centre of the kitchen table or on top of cabinet. I also love using mini bouquets to decorate a table for a dinner and putting one bouquet next to each guest's plate.
I wish you all a great week end! I will be back next week with some exciting news!
Talk to you soon,
Vase Story: My Vietjar from Tine k home
Good Morning everyone!
Today I would like to show you one of my favourite vase: My VIETJAR from the Danish brand Tinekhome. This vase is an old, unique jar from the Vietnamese rivers, made out of clay. Each one is unique and different and you can buy them in three different sizes from XS to XL. They cost between 20 € and 71 €. They are very rough and irregular, and that's what make them so beautiful and special, especially if you want to make a bouquet with a still life touch. As the vases are not enameled on the inside nor on the outside, I advise to put a little glass recipient in the vase before you put some water in the vase, in order to prevent it from licking. I use baby jars as they fit perfectly. Tinekhome is a brand that I really like, and this vase is also on my wish list. I bought this black one, along with my Vietjar in a fabulous interior shop in Hamburg called Eden Living. I wish you a great day! Talk to you soon Elodie
Roses and Hellebores from the garden in a blue vase
Hello everyone! New day means new bouquet for my #onebouquetperday challenge initiated by Juliane from the frokenskicklig. You can see my bouquets so far here, here and there and also on Instagram of course. Today's bouquet is really my kind of bouquets: simple and a little bit wild, in a very rustic vessel. I love the imperfection of the garden roses and the beautiful shades of the hellebore. See you tomorrow with some more flowers! Elodie
LOVEly flower blogs #4 - Tulipina
Good morning, Today I am delighted to introduce you to the wonderful Kiana - from the blog Tulipina. She has a very natural and creative style and uses a lot of unusual vessels for her bouquets. In this little interview, you can discover a little more about Tulipina and about Kiana's story. You can read the other interviews from the LOVEly flower blogs series, here, here and here. I hope you will enjoy it. I don't want to spoil anything, but the pictures are just stunning! Have a nice Monday! Elodie
Who are you and what are you talking about in your blog?
Hi, I’m Kiana Underwood – floral designer at Tulipina. My blog is focused on beautiful floral design and DIY – using as much of the natural beauty that surrounds us. I love to design using unique vessels, and I love more eclectic rather than traditional floral design. In addition, I do a lot of event work, and really enjoy quirky and eclectic weddings.
Where does your passion for flowers come from?
My mother always had fresh flowers in the home growing up, and I was privileged to have access to some lovely gardens as a child. I think that these things certainly inspired a passion for flowers. I received a Master’s degree in International Relations, but didn’t get very far into a career before deciding to have children. While I had very regularly put together floral arrangements for family and friends, I decided to turn this passion into a business in 2011, and it’s been amazing for me creatively to explore my passion on an everyday basis.
What inspires you?
There is so much natural beauty that surrounds us, and I get an enormous amount of inspiration from my garden, as well as my neighborhood. I am very fortunate to live in California, which has a moderate climate that allows access to great floral varieties year-round.
What is your favorite flower?
There are many flowers that I love to work with, but as far as a personal favorite, mine is gardenia. The delicate nature of the flower and the aroma are to die for.
Which other flower blogs are you reading regularly?
With three children plus a dog, a DIY-focused blog, and a business, I don’t have a lot of time to read other blogs. When I do have a spare moment, my reading is usually not flower-related.
(c) All photography by N. Underwood
2 flower girls #6 - garden roses
I am so happy today: #2flowergirls has reached round number 6! and for the fourth time, Inga from glomerylane and I are inviting others to buy the given flowers, style them and post them on their blogs or send them by e-mail. We then collect the blogposts and post the pictures on Pinterest. Here are the pictures of the ranunculus, the hortensia and the peonies. We are going to collect the beautiful roses here.
If you want to participate, you can post a link to your blogpost in the comment field here or under Inga's blogpost. You can also send us the photos by e-mail or post them on Instagram or Twitter along with the #2flowergirls hashtag. The last edition was great and the blogosphere got very inspired by the peonies. I hope the free range/garden roses will inspire you as much.
Here is a sneek peak of Inga's roses - actually from her garden, not like mine which were from the market... You can see more on Inga's blog.
I wish you a great day with the amazing weather!
Photos: (c) Elodie Love and Inga Lorig
three little bouquets
Hello everyone,When I found those gorgeous old roses on Saturday, I couldn't resist and had to bring them home with you and show them to you on the blog today.
As usual, instead of making a huge bouquet, without rearranging the flowers, I chose to make three little bouquets in various glasses or candle holders I brought back with me when I was travelling or visiting friends.
When trying to make a small bouquet, there is no point in trying to keep all the leaves. So DON'T BE AFRAID TO CUT THEM AND CUT THE STEMS!
Next week Inga and myself will be announcing the flowers for the March edition of the #2flowergirls project, and you can be part of it and style those flowers as well and share the photos with us. I wish you a very good week and don't forget to buy some flowers!
Mexican flowers with DIY vases
When I see bright green, pink or yellow, that always reminds me of mexican paintings, of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.I have loved the Arizona Green Tea bottles for ages, so when I discovered the paloma lemonade can at my local supermarket, I had the idea of this colorful flower arrangement - the mexican way - and why not listening to some Mexican music, while reading this post?
Lhasa de Sela - El Desierto
[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/12034327" iframe="true" /]
My little assistant #4 - Flowers are the best
So, now that we had a little break from my cat series, here comes n°4 - the classic one. As you all now, Cheddar's favorite things remain the flowers. He is always very excited when I come home carrying a bunch of them and he always feels the need to smell them. At the beginning, it kind of annoyed me, when I was trying to take my pictures, but now it became a tradition and every time, he sees my camera and some flowers, he jumps on the kitchen table for the photo shooting.So here are a some examples:
red roses and balkan music
I transformed my kitchen in a studio again this week end.I seam to be going through a rose phase at the moment. I found some very pretty dark red roses on my way home on Friday and I think they just look gorgeous. What do you think? I also pretty excited, because I am going to see two of my favorite bands tonight: Boban i Marko Markovic and Fanfare Ciacorlia - during the Balkan Brass Battle at the Museum der Arbeit open air. Maybe, this will bring you in the balkan mood too: