flower styling

#2flowergirls #8 - Chrysanthemum edition

global_view_chrysanthemum_2flowergirls Hello dear flower girls and boys, I hope you are all doing well! The time has come for the new edition of my #2flowergirls project with my dear Inga from the blog glomerylane. As Inga is in hospital at the moment, as I explained last week, I am a single flower girl this time. You can put the link to your blogpost under this post.

If you want to participate for the first time, you can read here how it works. Inga and I decided to style this underestimated flower for the November edition: the chrysanthemum. I have always liked them, even though it's not the first flower that comes to my mind when I am going to a flower shop. So this time, I am going out of my comfort zone as well and not stlyling a most-loved or favourite flower. One of the good things with chrysanthemums is that they are very strong flowers that will last a long time when cut. The glass vase is from Zara home and is sold as a bathroom accessory but I found it far too pretty not to put flowers in it.  The little vase is a tea cup from the Alice collection by Vienna-based artist Sandra Haischberger.  I bought it at the great Milchmädchen shop as a birthday present for myself, with a little bouquet in mind of course! I love the soft and grey colours of the collection. I took the cup in soft pink and the saucer in dark grey. I hope you will enjoy my styling. I can't want to see what you have been up to! xxx Elodie





LOVEly flower blogs #5: Studio Abloom

Hello everyone, I hope you had a great  weekend. Today I am very excited to be welcoming Laurie on my blog. I met her and her lovely blog virtually last June as she participated in the peonies edition of the #2flowergirls project with Glomerylane. I instantly fell in love with her styling and photos, and asked her to present her fairly young blog Studio Abloom to you today and how she plans to develop it . I completely agree with Laurie when she says that "floral arrangements are really just like little gardens", but I don't want to spoil everything, so here goes to the interview. I wish you a great week full of flowers! Elodie

Studio_Abloom_1 Who are you and what are you talking about on your blog?

Hello everyone, I’m Laurie Wheeler, a photographer, stylist and designer with a love for flowers and gardens. My blog, Studio Abloom, is where I cast the seeds of my work out into the world. It’s kind of a young blog, but I see it as a place where I write about florals and gardens from the perspective of our senses and emotions as well as style, design and historical details. I also like to feature the use of floral and garden references in art, design, fashion and other parts of our everyday lives. And I include the process of restoring the garden that surrounds my late 18th century home and feature my own floral designs using my own garden-grown, local and foraged materials.

Visual images play a big part in my work, so my photography is a major feature of the blog. I’m a true romantic and so there is an ethereal and poetic feel to my photos and musings. I’m excited to be working with video as well and look forward to adding that to the blog soon. Eventually, I’d like to travel afar with my cameras to do garden and floral “interviews” for my readers. If they can’t be in a garden or have a floral arrangement sitting near them, then perhaps a beautiful photo or video would be the next best thing.

Gardens, to me, directly connect us with the natural world. Floral arrangements are really just like little gardens – only more immediate and portable. And floral and garden motifs are increasingly found in the design world. There are deep restorative powers in gardens and flowers. The senses come alive and their beauty touches us deeply. All can become right when in a garden or amongst flowers. I think we have a built-in desire to take care of what we love. So perhaps, in some little way, my work will instill a love that will ultimately help the planet. You just never know!

I look forward to seeing what Studio Abloom grows into and sharing it with you all as it blooms.

“When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for the moment.” Georgia O’Keefe


Where does your passion for flowers come from?

It may have started early on with the lilac bush that grew outside my bedroom window as a child, or the side of the garage at my childhood home that was lined with rows of lily of the valley. Or maybe the small bouquets of garden roses my mother would sometimes put on my bedside table.

But I think it really took root when I left the corporate world after a period of intense work and travel as a visual merchandiser and stylist for a major women’s clothing retailer. I was really burned out. Soon thereafter, I was hired on by a world-renowned botanical garden as a consultant and buyer to re-style and re-merchandise their gift shop. As a side benefit, I was able to take classes there and worked my way towards a certificate in Ornamental Horticulture. I also took classes in garden and floral design. When I wasn’t in the shop I was out in the gardens. It was a very healing time for me. I travelled to France for vacation around that time and had a brief stay in Paris. I didn’t want to see  museums or really anything other than flower shops! It was that particular time that I looked back on recently when I needed to heal from a very tough personal life situation and I remembered how much I loved working with flowers and being in the garden. So I’m finding my way back to that now. As a designer and a lover of nature, garden and floral design really speak to me as it combines the two beautifully. It also has the sustainability that I find so essential now. I can do it in my back yard and on my kitchen table. I love the ephemeral quality, though it can make me a bit melancholy when the flowers come and go so quickly. My photographs help me get over that. I love the way flowers make me feel. They really are very powerful.


What inspires you?

I’m inspired by my surroundings – home and garden. It’s really hard to separate the two. I have a very deep connection to both. I live in rural Maine, so it’s definitely a bit wilder than what I’ve been used to. I can see that becoming incorporated in my work. It’s a very different gardening experience than what I’ve been used to. I spend a lot of time whacking back the wildness. But I ultimately want to work with it instead of fight against it. There is so much here that I want to work with.

I’m always using my eyes, if not all of my senses. I see in detail more often than broad views, so I can be inspired by anything at anytime. Fashion, movies, history, art, music, shops – they all play their part. I’m always prepared to receive inspiration no matter where I am or what I’m doing. It can often be in the most unlikely places! Because I’m living somewhat remotely, I rely a lot on the internet to stay connected. It used to be books and magazines that I devoured. Now it’s websites. I use Pinterest almost daily as a warm-up exercise to my creative work. Though I do still love and devour books and magazines!


What is your favorite flower?

As a photographer, designer and stylist, typically I fall in love with the specific flower I’m working with. As a gardener, it’s the one that’s currently in bloom. Oh, but okay, if I really must choose just one, it would have to be a heavily scented garden rose. The right rose can definitely make me weep. I am not exaggerating this.


Which other flower blogs are you reading regularly?

I’m enthralled with all the work so many are doing with flowers right now. Though I’m not yet in the business of designing for weddings, I do love seeing all the flower combinations on wedding blogs and they are usually photographed so beautifully. And flowers have been popping up on just about every other kind of blog recently too! On trend!

One of my favorite go-to flower blogs is Worlds End Farm. Sarah (of Saipua) and Eric live in a similar environment as mine and I love seeing what Sarah is doing with the materials that surround her. It also makes me think about doing some flower farming. I have to give a shout out to Chelsea Fuss of Frolic. She was my most recent floral design teacher and her work as a commercial floral and prop stylist is very inspiring to me.

I’m learning so much from so many and they have no idea how much inspiration they give me to go down this road. I’m really grateful to them all. And to you, Elodie! Thank you so much for this opportunity to share Studio Abloom with your readers!

In no specific order, here are a few others... (and oh, there are so much more!)

Floret Flowers Max Gill Design Emerson Merrick Amy Osaba Tinge Floral McKenzie Powell Petal Floral Design Odorantes-Paris

And my favorite gardener and garden writer/spokesperson Monty Don

You can find Studio Abloom on the web here:

www.studioabloom.com www.facebook.com/studioabloom www.instagram.com/laurie_wheeler www.pinterest.com/lauriewheeler www.twitter.com/lauriewcreative

(c) All photography by Studio Abloom

LOVEly flower blogs #4 - Tulipina

Good morning, Today I am delighted to introduce you to the wonderful Kiana - from the blog Tulipina. She has a very natural and creative style and uses a lot of unusual vessels for her bouquets. In this little interview,  you can discover a little more about Tulipina and about Kiana's story. You can read the other interviews from the LOVEly flower blogs series, here, here and here. I hope you will enjoy it. I don't want to spoil anything, but the pictures are just stunning! Have a nice Monday! Elodie

Tulipina_Blue_vaseWho are you and what are you talking about in your blog?

Hi, I’m Kiana Underwood – floral designer at Tulipina. My blog is focused on beautiful floral design and DIY – using as much of the natural beauty that surrounds us. I love to design using unique vessels, and I love more eclectic rather than traditional floral design. In addition, I do a lot of event work, and really enjoy quirky and eclectic weddings.


Where does your passion for flowers come from?

My mother always had fresh flowers in the home growing up, and I was privileged to have access to some lovely gardens as a child. I think that these things certainly inspired a passion for flowers. I received a Master’s degree in International Relations, but didn’t get very far into a career before deciding to have children. While I had very regularly put together floral arrangements for family and friends, I decided to turn this passion into a business in 2011, and it’s been amazing for me creatively to explore my passion on an everyday basis.



What inspires you?

There is so much natural beauty that surrounds us, and I get an enormous amount of inspiration from my garden, as well as my neighborhood. I am very fortunate to live in California, which has a moderate climate that allows access to great floral varieties year-round.



What is your favorite flower?

There are many flowers that I love to work with, but as far as a personal favorite, mine is gardenia. The delicate nature of the flower and the aroma are to die for.


Which other flower blogs are you reading regularly?

With three children plus a dog, a DIY-focused blog, and a business, I don’t have a lot of time to read other blogs. When I do have a spare moment, my reading is usually not flower-related.


(c) All photography by N. Underwood

LOVEly flower blogs #3 - Fleuropean

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Today I am so happy to introduce Emily's blog. This the third blogpost of my new series about flower blogs after Floresie and Love n'fresh flowers. Emily is writing about her love for flowers in her beautiful blog Fleuropean - the power of flowers, but I met her online first through her great project called the Lonely Bouquet, in which I participated at the beginning of July.

Here comes the interview, with some photos from Emily. I really love her dreamy style. What do you think? xxx Elodie


Who are you and what are you talking about in your blog?

Hello Elodie (and all you other flower fans!)! My name is Emily, and I am an avid gardener, aspiring florist, flower philanthropist and dedicated blogger. As an American living abroad in Belgium, I first began to blog (Fleuropean) as a way to share my daily adventures and everyday life stories with friends and family back home. Soon I found myself in the midst of a small cyberspace community where I feel free to practice my three passions (photography, flowers, and writing). My love for flowers and gardening has also inspired a project dedicated to spreading the unique joy of flowers throughout the local community. It’s called The Lonely Bouquet, and everyone is welcome to become a part of the movement! I love nothing more than being outside, snapping pictures, and playing with flowers… so if you visit my blog, that’s probably what you will find.


Where does your passion for flowers come from?

To be honest, I don’t really know. I’ve always been attracted to the aesthetics of colorful displays… boxes of pastels, aisles of ribbons, eye shadows and nail polishes lined up on the make-up display counters. I suppose that rows of rainbow-colored flowers and color-coordinated bouquets appeal to that same enthusiasm for aesthetics. While growing up in Northern California provided pretty awesome exposure to the raw beauty of nature, I didn’t exactly grow up in the middle of a flower farm. In fact, due to their busy lifestyles as single, working parents, both my mom and my dad made use of professional gardeners. Despite a marked lack of interest in heavy labor, my mom would often tuck a small flower behind my ear, plop me down between the hydrangea bushes and ferns, and talk to me about the various names of the flowers in our garden. I suppose that the opportunity to constantly interact with the surrounding environment fostered a deep sense of respect for and interest in the miraculous ways of nature… which, naturally, led to a love for flowers.


 What inspires you?

Nature. Watching a tiny seed sprout its first leaves, grow into a small plant, and produce armfuls of flowers all summer long…. and to know that you played a small role in that process. That, to me, is one of the most inspirational experiences.


What is your favorite flower?

Oh dear! What’s a girl to do… being asked to choose between so many of my best friends. If push came to shove, I would have to say that sweet peas are my most favorite flower of all. Their fragrance combined with their tireless effort to produce flower after flower all summer long has led to a love affair that is bound to last a lifetime. Tied for second are garden roses and dahlias.


Which other flower blogs are you reading regularly?

I’ll admit it. I’m a bit of a lazy internet user. I love spotting fabulous photos on Facebook and clicking the links that my favorite sites share. I drool over the pictures posted by The Blue Carrot, Jo Flowers, and ForageFor (among many others)… and often click over to visit Studio Choo, Design Sponge, Botanical Brouhaha, Floresie, and (naturally) Madame Love.


The Lonely Bouquet on facebook: www.facebook.com/thelonelybouquet Fleuropean on facebook: www.facebook.com/fleuropean Website: www.fleuropean.com

© Photos Fleuropean

Soirée provençale in Hamburg

Dear all, I had a great start to the weekend. I went to a "soirée provençale" in Hamburg on Friday night. It was organised in the French café called Metropolitain that I already presented on the blog in December - you can read more here.  It was the French concept of "table d'hôtes". Our hostess was the French cook Eve based in Hamburg. Table d'hôte literally means "the host's table" in French. The term is used to denote a table set aside for residents of a guesthouse. Everyone sits down around a large table and makes small-talk. It is not like in a restaurant, there is only one sitting, the price is fixed and the menu set in advance. The theme of the evening was Mediterranean cuisine. We had taboulé to start with, an aioli -  a speciality from Marseilles with cold fish, vegetables and a garlic mayonnaise - perfect for the hot weather we are experiencing, and a lovely fruit salad with a madeleine to finish with.


We sat at a table with 15 people in front of the Café Metropolitain and the atmosphere was great, we met lovely people, shared a great meal, a mix of French and German conversations started around the table, mainly about food, as is traditional in France.  It was like being in the middle of a Kinfolk dinner. soiree provencale_Metropolitain

We all had a great night and I was very happy to help the organisers Melody, Ulrike and Eve with the flower decoration. Here are a couple of pictures of the flowers and the food:











The next Mediterranean "table d'hôtes" in Metropolitain will take place on 27th September. You can book on Eve's Website. Have a great day!


LOVEly flower blogs # 1 - Florésie

Good morning everyone, Today, I want to share a bit of blogosphere love with you. When I visited my first blogging conference and said to my fellow bloggers, that I was writing about interior design and flowers, people looked back at me very surprised: a flower blog? But in the meantime, I met a lot of flower bloggers I admire and can really relate to, online or in real life from all over Europe and the US. I have decided to introduce them to you through a little interview in my new column: LOVEly flower blogs. The first one is a French one called Florésie - poésie means poetry in French - and Laetitia is really creating poetry with flowers. I love her work and I am so grateful I get to meet such lovely and talented people through my blog!

floresie_for_Madame_Love - 08

Who are you and what do you talk about in your blog?

Hello, i’m Laetitia from Florésie, a Swiss floral designer based in France. Florésie was created in 2010 to relate my adventures at the School of Florists in Paris. It has evolved as in the meantime I decided to quit my techie job to live off my passion... flowers! By reading my blog, you’ll find floral DIY for your home, inspiration for wedding flowers, and my own work starting from the flower cutting garden (which i just started this year), going through personal (sometimes very experimental) projects, and to projects realised for my customers.

Laetitia_from_floresie_for_Madame_Love - 14

Where does your passion for flowers come from?

Honestly, i don’t know. I have the feeling it was always in me, just hiding somewhere in my unconscious mind and waiting for the right time to pop out! Flowers are so beautiful and so fragile at the same time. I love this paradox and the challenge set by the ephemeralness when one wants to design with them... Floresie_for_madame_Love_06_tulips

What inspires you?

Nature first: gardens, wild flower fields, woods... I spend a lot of time observing flowers in the wild, gathering and also growing them in my garden. This makes my work really influenced by the season. And then great floral designers as well, such as Moniek Vanden Berghe, Gregor Lersch or Ariella Chezar... just to name a few.

floresie_for_Madame_Love - 05

What is your favourite flower?

Joker! I’d rather not answer, as i change my mind every day. In general, however, i do prefer garden style and locally grown flowers. I tend not to work with exotic flowers for environmental reasons...

floresie_for_Madame_Love - 07

 Which other flower blogs do you read regularly?

Floret Flower Farm, Saipua, and Sarah Winward for the inspiration. Botanical Brouhaha, and Flowerona for technical aspects, and a general view of what’s going on in the flower world...

floresie_for_Madame_Love_small - 10

Thank you so much Laetitia for being my first "victim"! I hope I made curious about Laetitia's blog. You can also like her Facebook page or follow Florésie on Bloglovin, in order to be regularly updated with her new bouquets.

I wish you all a great week-end, and don't forget to buy some flowers! xoxo Elodie

© Photos Florésie 2013. Tout droit réservé.

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