Hello Everyone,
It's a long time since I have found or taken the time to write a blogpost. I still take lots of photos and still make lots of bouquets but somehow, with my little family, my full time job and my 2 hours commuting time every day, I don't know anymore when to blog.
Maybe I should rebrand my little online space or start thinking about new projects to find some new motivation for the blog. In fact I have been working on a new visual identity for madame love with a designer friend for some time now, but I need to stick to it and advance on that project too!
Well well, enough about my little "etats d'ame" as the French would say and back to my blogpost.
Today, I would like to show you a lovely flowershop I visited when I was in Brussels a couple of weeks ago with Mr. Love. This shop is situated in the Marolles district of Brussels, on the square where the gorgeous fleamarket takes place every Sunday. It is called La Frénésie and it is full with lovely vintage decoration and pretty flowers.

I love visiting flower shops when I go on holiday somewhere and show you the pictures here.
I wish you all a great start in this new week!
I hope I will find the way back to this wonderful thing that is blogging. In the meantime, if you want to see and here more of me, I am still microblogging on Instagram!
La Frénésie
67 Place du Jeu de Balles
+32 473 71 09 08