roses and peonies


peonies and roses bouquet Hello everyone, The good thing with the rain outside, is that the garden is gorgeous! So many shades of green and the flowers are blooming everywhere. I can't stop making bouquets. As soon as Ella is having a nap and it's not raining, I am out in the garden making bouquets. Oh my god, how much I wish it could be my job someday. If it happens, I would really love to do wedding decoration with wild flowers and blooms from the garden. Today's bouquet is everything but wild. Roses and peonies from white to bright pink in a precious lalique vase. My favourite rose is the pink, climbing Eden rose, that we also call Pierre de Ronsard in France. This bouquet would be perfect for a pastel wedding. What do you think? bouquet of roses in the gardenroses and peoniesThis will also be my bouquet for the #onebouquetperday Challenge on Instagram. Have a great day everyone and see you tomorrow with my new bouquet. Same garden, totally different style. Bisous de France, Elodie