Hello my little flowers,
2014 has been a tough year in many ways. We so much wanted a change in the summer, that when the news came that my husband got a job in Paris, we decided to move countries within two months and organise everything while both working.
We managed but those months before the move and the two months since we arrived have been exhausting and I haven't had much time for blogging.
I have been a little hard on myself lateLx. I was not very proud of myself and about what I have been doing with the blog in the past months.
But then, I decided to look back on 2014 and on the bouquets I made this year and I was pretty happy.
I made some little collages to show you my flowers from 2014 - A reason for me to look back at 2014 with a smile (the other reason is of course my lovely daughter) and to look forward to lots of new flowers in 2015.
Some of the bouquets I will show you made it to the blog, and some only to my kitchen table, but they all helped me to forget my little worries and express my creativity.
The first one on top are my wildflowers bouquets, I made them at my parent's place and at my parent's in laws place in May as well as in Italy in August.
Those ones are my roses bouquets - with roses from the market in Hamburg, from the flower shops and roses from my mum's garden.

Those ones are my pink bouquets - I don't like pink in decoration or in fashion, but I use this colour a lot for my bouquets - with my lovely tulips I picked in a flower farm in Holland, or some hellebores from my parent's garden.

Those ones are my blue bouquets. Blue is a more unusual colour in nature and looks always very pretty in a vase. I love to combine blue and yellow flowers. The first little bouquet is a simple bouquet of myosotis, I made in May in France. They are so precious and so lovely to photograph. The one on the bottom left, I really love with the white lilies and the blue delphiniums.

Here are my red bouquets. I love to combine red with pink and I love red roses, red carnation and red anemones that look and feel like silk.

Those are probably my favorite: Flowers from the garden!
My favourite bouquet this year was probably this one.

And last but not least: My mini bouquets.
I love everything miniature.
I love mini vases.
And I love making a mini version of a bigger bouquet.

I wish you all a very relaxing Christmas time with you family and friends.
What about you? What do you see about 2014 when you look back? How as been you year with family, with friends, with travels, with your favourite designers, with your favourite cookies... If you want to tell me, just create a little collage with your 2014 highlights and tag me on Instagram (@madame_love) and use the hashtag #myyear2014with
Speak to you soon,