pastel bouquet from the garden


bouquet from above Good morning, I am really happy about how this bouquet turned out. I made it two days ago, just after a rain shower, only with flowers and plant from the garden. I love the colour palette and how some of the flowers are already a bit faded but still beautiful such as the lilac: perfect imperfection!  As it was just after the rain, I discovered a little snail climbing on  a branch of lilac. I left it on the bouquet as an homage to the flower paintings of the great Flemish masters.  I wish you all a great and sunny day! Elodie

For this bouquet, I used some:

  • Eden roses
  • Aquilegia
  • Heather
  • Ivy
  • Lilac
  • Fern

fern leaf in a pink bouquet

heather and aquilegia

eden roses

inside the bouquet



snail on lilac