
Mexican flowers with DIY vases

When I see bright green, pink or yellow, that always reminds me of mexican paintings, of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.I have loved the Arizona Green Tea bottles for ages, so when I discovered the paloma lemonade can at my local supermarket, I had the idea of this colorful flower arrangement - the mexican way - and why not listening to some Mexican music, while reading this post?

Lhasa de Sela - El Desierto

[soundcloud url="" iframe="true" /]

Green variation

Today on my way back from work I was in the mood for a new flower arrangement. I really don't like flowers that come directly out of the greenhouse. I prefer them a bit wild. It reminds me of my parent's garden in the French countryside, or of a bunch of fresh flowers you bring back with you from a walk in the woods. It is very frustrating to live in the city and to have to pay for flowers you would just find on a road at the border of a field if you were living outside the city ... but there you go, in most flower shops you can still find "wild" flowers that are usually used to complete a bunch of colourful flowers at a moderate price. I like them just like that - I think they are just beautiful by themselves.

My little assistant #4 - Flowers are the best

So, now that we had a little break from my cat series, here comes n°4 - the classic one. As you all now, Cheddar's favorite things remain the flowers. He is always very excited when I come home carrying a bunch of them and he always feels the need to smell them. At the beginning, it kind of annoyed me, when I was trying to take my pictures, but now it became a tradition and every time, he sees my camera and some flowers, he jumps on the kitchen table for the photo shooting.So here are a some examples:

lovely dahlia

I love dahlia, their colours remind me of a mexican painting - in fact they were declared the national flower of Mexico in 1963. I bought a couple of them yesterday on my way back home - it is very dangerous for me to pass by a flower shop everyday! So let's see if you enjoy them too. I love playing with colours, but I think it is better not to mix too much. So I grouped them in two different vases.

Purple sweet peas

Now comes the answer to my question. The purple flowers I used this week for my flower arrangement were sweet peas. I love the simplicity and elegance of this flower. ‘sweet pea’, stands for «delicate pleasures’. The name comes from the Greek word, ‘lathyros’, meaning "pea" or "pulse," and the Latin word ‘odoratus’, meaning "fragrant".

Sneak peek - purple beauties

Hello,Today is such a lovely sunny morning in Hamburg! I wanted to post my new flower arrangement, in the new beautiful vases I bought last week at "Lieblingszimmer" and at Palais XIII- but I am running out of time and I still need time to prepare the pictures. So here you can get a glimpse of these purple beauties, and maybe guess which flowers I used... Speak to you soon.

red roses and balkan music

I transformed my kitchen in a studio again this week end.I seam to be going through a rose phase at the moment. I found some very pretty dark red roses on my way home on Friday and I think they just look gorgeous. What do you think? I also pretty excited, because I am going to see two of my favorite bands tonight: Boban i Marko Markovic and Fanfare Ciacorlia - during the Balkan Brass Battle at the Museum der Arbeit open air. Maybe, this will bring you in the balkan mood too:


small vase - big effect

When arranging flowers, I always set at least a flower by side to put in a one of my mini vases. I like the contrast between small and big, and I think that a single flower or a very small bouquet can be very pretty.I have quite a collection of mini-vases, I bought some of them when I was travelling (Copenhagen, Japan) or from flea markets.  Those don't have to be designed to be a vase. I use a lot of antic glasses. For example colored glasses are very cool - especially if they match the colour of the flower you are presenting. They are very handy to transport (or bring back when you travel) and that they look very pretty on display as a collection when they are not in use. Here is a selection of my last mini-bouquets. Even big flowers like peonies, look fantastic when they are cut very short.

wild roses

A bunch of flowers doesn't have to be complicated or expensive to be beautiful. Sometimes, a simple bunch of wild roses is enough.I like when roses have this vintage look and I don't like boring roses that come straight out of the green house. For me a rose should look like it comes directly from my garden - it shall make me forget for an instant that I live in the city...Have a good day

rhapsody in blue

  I don't only love peonies - no I also love delphiniums - the blue beauties. I had another improvised photo shooting in my kitchen yesterday after a visit so to the flower shop - with a little furry visitor. Let's see if you manage to spot him in the pictures. I love using different sizes of vases from very small to very big. I think the flowers look like they directly come out of a fairy tale - I think they look like the hat of a very little magician. But that's probably only my imagination...


Je n'ai pas qu'une passion pour les pivoines, j'adore aussi les delphiniums. J'ai encore organisé un photo shooting improvisé dans ma cuisine hier après une petite visite chez le fleuriste - et j'ai eu une petite visite de mon petit ami poilu. On va voir si vous arrivez à le repérer sur les photos. J'aime utiliser des vases de différentes tailles pour créer un décor. J'ai toujours l'impression que les fleurs de delphinium sortent directement d'un conte de fée - Je trouve qu'elles ressemblent au chapeau d'un tout petit magicien. Mais j'ai peut-être trop d'imagination...

delphinium bouquet (c) madamelove

(c) madamelove

peonies obsession

I know I've been posting quite a lot of peonies lately but for me it is one of the best things about springtime. I can't get tired of those beauties.Especially the pink ones which are yellow inside. So there you go - here are some new peonies directly from my kitchen. I think peonies are the perfect gift, when going to your friend's party. They look so unspectacular when they are still closed and so incredibly beautiful when they open up. The petals are so thin, that they almost look like silk. That's maybe the reason why I like them so much: They look like they directly come out of a very talented tailor's workshop.


Je sais que j'ai posté beaucoup de pivoines sur mon blog ces derniers temps, mais je ne peux pas m'en empêcher. Pour moi, c'est une une des raisons pour lesquelles j'adore le printemps. J'aime tout particulièrement les pivoines roses avec un pistil jaune fluo.  Alors voilà: de nouvelles pivoines en direct de ma cuisine. Je pense que les pivoines sont le cadeau parfait à amener à vos amis, lors d'une fête. Elles ont l'air très banal quand elles sont encore en bouton et créent la surprise en s'ouvrant le lendemain matin. les pétales sont si fins qu'on dirait de la soie. C'est sans doute la raison pour laquelle j'adore les pivoines: On dirait qu'elles sortent directement de l'atelier d'un merveilleux tailleur.

Küchenblume and flowers in my kitchen

So it is time for me to write a bit about my neighbourhood (Kiez in German).I live in a very beautiful part of Hamburg called Eppendorf. It is very green, full of little decoration shops and pretty cafés. In the Isestrasse, where the splendid Isemarkt (a very cool market) takes place twice a week, you will find my favorite flower shop in Hamburg: Küchenblume.

but you know me, I couldn't just have gone there, just to take some now, I have some very pretty peonies in my kitchen. I love this season.

Küchenblume Isestrasse 76 20149 hamburg

Mo-Fr. 11:00 – 19:00 Sat.: 10:00 – 16:00