
Mexican flowers with DIY vases

When I see bright green, pink or yellow, that always reminds me of mexican paintings, of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.I have loved the Arizona Green Tea bottles for ages, so when I discovered the paloma lemonade can at my local supermarket, I had the idea of this colorful flower arrangement - the mexican way - and why not listening to some Mexican music, while reading this post?

Lhasa de Sela - El Desierto

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red roses and balkan music

I transformed my kitchen in a studio again this week end.I seam to be going through a rose phase at the moment. I found some very pretty dark red roses on my way home on Friday and I think they just look gorgeous. What do you think? I also pretty excited, because I am going to see two of my favorite bands tonight: Boban i Marko Markovic and Fanfare Ciacorlia - during the Balkan Brass Battle at the Museum der Arbeit open air. Maybe, this will bring you in the balkan mood too: