
#2flowergirls #8 - Chrysanthemum edition

global_view_chrysanthemum_2flowergirls Hello dear flower girls and boys, I hope you are all doing well! The time has come for the new edition of my #2flowergirls project with my dear Inga from the blog glomerylane. As Inga is in hospital at the moment, as I explained last week, I am a single flower girl this time. You can put the link to your blogpost under this post.

If you want to participate for the first time, you can read here how it works. Inga and I decided to style this underestimated flower for the November edition: the chrysanthemum. I have always liked them, even though it's not the first flower that comes to my mind when I am going to a flower shop. So this time, I am going out of my comfort zone as well and not stlyling a most-loved or favourite flower. One of the good things with chrysanthemums is that they are very strong flowers that will last a long time when cut. The glass vase is from Zara home and is sold as a bathroom accessory but I found it far too pretty not to put flowers in it.  The little vase is a tea cup from the Alice collection by Vienna-based artist Sandra Haischberger.  I bought it at the great Milchmädchen shop as a birthday present for myself, with a little bouquet in mind of course! I love the soft and grey colours of the collection. I took the cup in soft pink and the saucer in dark grey. I hope you will enjoy my styling. I can't want to see what you have been up to! xxx Elodie





#2flowergirls in November

Hello everyone!We are already in November! A new month also means a new #2flowergirls edition. As you may have seen on Steffi's Blog, Inga is in hospital this month for her transplantation - and we are all thinking of her and crossing our fingers. I discussed with her in the past weeks if we should pause the #2flowergirls project while she is in hospital, but she told that it would make her happy if we continued arranging and photographing flowers during that time. So, let's rock it together and do some flower magic for Inga. We have decided to play with Chrysanthemums this month.  Are you in?


I will be posting on 11th November and you can take part as usual until the end of the month and post the link to your blogpost under my blogpost.

I wish you a great Sunday! Your flower girl - Elodie