Good Morning everyone!
I love books about flowers, I have started a little collection at home, and I have decided to share my favourite ones with you on the blog regularly. They give me inspiration and they are also very useful to learn about the different types of flowers and how to keep them, the way to carve their stems, how much water each variety needs. I also love reading about floristry and new techniques and tools.
The first book I would like to show you today is a German book called Vom Garten in die Vase: Blumen Planzen und Arrangieren by gardner Jutta Wagner and photographer Annette Wendland, published by blv Verlag (from the garden to the vase: planting and arranging flowers).
I am obviously more interested in the arranging part than in the planting part, but who knows, one day my dream of a little garden might come true. There is a very interesting chapter in the book about the right instrument you need to make beautiful bouquets and the best way to cut your flowers in your garden.
There are also some great bouquet ideas using unusual or recycled vessels, which I really love, as well as tips to make your own beautiful flower crowns.
You can order this book here:
I wish you a great start in this new week!
PS: A copy of the book was sent to me by the blv Verlag, but my views and opinions about this great book are my own.