So International

very british

Today, I found this fantastic teapot at Habitat. It is designed for Habitat by the London- based wallpaper designer Lizzie Allen. It might be slightly kitsch, but I love it! see you soon, it is time for a nice cup of tea.  

Aujourd'hui j'ai trouvé cette magnifique théière chez Habitat. Elle a été dessinée pour Habitat par la créatrice de papier peint londonienne Lizzie Allen. C'est peut-être un peu kitch mais j'adore! A bientôt, moi je vais me faire une bonne tasse de thé maintenant!

eurovision & gazpacho

Saturday was the Eurovision song contest and in order to celebrate, we gave our famous Eurovision Party with friends from all over the world as usual. We try to keep this tradition we started in Berlin, alive in Hamburg.This time our guests were coming from the Philippines, from Japan, South Africa, Scotland, Germany etc... we prepared some "snacks": a gazpacho with some dips, a couple of quiches and a banoffee pie, and some other simple things - we had a brilliant and very funny night.