
first bouquet from my garden

campanula_muralis_2 Hello! Ok, maybe I can't really call it a bouquet. So let's call it a mini-bouquet, or miniature bloom.  Those campanula muralis are the last flowers in my garden and they look really cute in a little vase.  My garden need a lot of work and I will see how much I will manage before the frost. It is so humid at the moment and I am alone with Ella, so it is a bit difficult to work in the garden, but I will still be planting some flowers to be able to make some bouquets with FLOWERS FROM MY GARDEN - Yeah! in the spring. campanula_muralisclochettes violettesI wish you all  a great day!  Speak to you soon with some Christmas inspiration. Elodie

we are in France!

first flowers - anemones, sophora, hydrangea Hello everyone!

Just a quick note to tell you that we are in France now. Safe and sound.  The move has been pretty challenging and we are still living out of boxes, but we are happy and I am trying to work out how I will arrange the garden. I found a pretty little flower shop around the corner, and I will be back on the blog more regularly soon.  I am going to my first French blogging event in Paris this afternoon. I will be showing you the pictures on the blog and on Instagram soon.

Have a great day everyone!


#2flowergirls - flowers for inga


Dear international readers, I will write this blogpost in German exceptionally. My dear friend Inga Lorig from the blog glomerylane lost her fight against blood cancer last week and I am writing this post in her memory -for her, her family, her friends, and her readers who took part in our little #2flowergirls project in the past 2 years. 

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

wie viele von euch schon wissen, hat uns unsere liebe Inga letzte Woche verlassen. Es macht mich unendlich traurig und sie hinterlässt eine sehr grosse Lücke. Inga war eine sehr lustige Person, die das Leben geliebt hat und ihre Pläne unbedingt verfolgen wollte.  Sie wollte zum Beispiel unbedingt, dass #2flowergirls weitergeht, auch als sie im Krankenhaus lag. Ich habe immer gesagt, dass das digitale Leben warten kann und dass sie sich aufs Gesundwerden konzentrieren sollte. Für mich hätte #2flowergirls ohne Inga keinen Sinn.  In den schwierigen Zeiten haben Inga die Blumen und die schönen Sachen im Leben unglaublich geholfen und Mut gegeben. 

flowersforinga_1Wir haben stundenlang über Skype gesprochen als ich in Elternzeit war und uns über Blumen unterhalten. Mir war es sehr wichtig heute fröhliche Blumen auszusuchen, die Inga gefallen hätten und so möchte ich mich an Inga erinnern. Sie war ein unglaublich positives Wesen und hat sich über die kleinen Dingen eben gefreut und hatte eine wahre Leidenschaft für Blumen und Planzen, die sie über Ihren Blog und über #2flowergirls teilen wollte. Das letzte Mal, dass wir uns trafen, als sie im Juli nach Hamburg kam, hat sie viel gelacht und sich über Ihre neue Duftkerze, die sie in ihrem Hotelzimmer anzünden wollte, gefreut. 

flowersforinga_3Ich werde jetzt nicht stundenlang über diese furchtbare Krankheit, die mich sehr wütend macht, schreiben. Ich möchte mich nur von meiner lieben Freundin verabschieden und ihr diese paar Blumen schicken. 

Inga, diese Blumen sind für dich, ich habe an dich gedacht als ich die im Garten von meinen Eltern am Sonntag gepflückt habe und diesen Strauß für dich komponiert habe.Das sind die letzten Worte, die Du mir geschrieben hast, eine Woche bevor Du gegangen bist: "Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Du bald "weg" bist. Wobei eigentlich bin ich schneller in Paris als in Hamburg." Ich habe diese Worte 1.000 mal seitdem wieder gelesen und die haben einen so bitteren Geschmack, jetzt dass du "weg" bist.

Ich werde versuchen ein paar unsere Geheimpläne umzusetzen und immer mit einem Lächeln an dich denken. Ich habe Kapuzinerkresse und Dahlien für dich ausgesucht, weil ich weiss, dass Du die so gern mochtest. flowersforinga_4

Es gibt einen Weg, Betroffene von der Krankheit zu helfen und zwar indem man sich bei der Knochenmarkspenderdatei registrieren lässt und zwar hier. Inga hatte im Juni dazu einen Aufruf auf dem Blog von Steffi gestartet und sogar zwei Spender gefunden. 

Wer mag, kann auch eine Spende überweisen, die nach Inga's Wunsch einer Stiftung zur Erforschung des Louis-Bar-Syndroms zukommt. Kennwort: Im Gedenken an Inga, Sparkasse Neunkirchen, IBAN: DE80 5925 2046 0034 2121 83, BIC: SALADE51NKS.

Wenn Ihr Lust habt, mitzumachen, könnt Ihr es gerne tun und den Link zu euerem Beitrag hier eintragen. Ich werde auch die Sträuße hier sammeln. Hier könnt Ihr auch gern Blumenfotos auf Instagram ab heute mit dem Hashtag #flowersforinga und #2flowergirls posten.

Viele liebe Grüße


red garden roses

red_garden_roses_3Hello everyone!The days are getting colder and shorter here. The time of dahlia has come. But today I wanted to show you this beautiful roses, and you can arrange them in small vases and glasses to make a little charming composition.  I really love making mini bouquets and grouping them at the centre of the kitchen table or on top of cabinet. I also love using mini bouquets to decorate a table for a dinner and putting one bouquet next to each guest's plate. red_garden_roses_4red_garden_roses_5red_garden_roses_6I wish you all a great week end! I will be back next week with some exciting news! Talk to you soon, Elodie red_garden_roses_2

#flowersonmyway - Give Away!

Flowers on my way Hello everyone! When I started my Instagram Photo Challenge #flowersonmyway in February, I never thought, you would love it so much and post so many beautiful flower pictures from all around the world. As of today you have posted more the 900 pictures, are the ones in the collage above are just examples of the amazing variety and floral inspiration you all put out there! Thank you so much! To say thank you, I have teamed up with the German decoration brand Räder, and we are giving away a beautiful vase from the same collection as my badeteich vase.  To take part in the give away, continue posting the flowers that cross your way on Instagram with the hashtag #flowersonmyway until 30. September, and I will publish my favourite image from September on the blog at the beginning of October, which will at the same time be the winner of the vase.  I wish you all good luck! Talk to you soon! Elodie


baby's breath for my baby's first birthday


babysbreath_title Hello everyone! My baby is turning one today! This first year has been a great adventure and I am so happy to be her mum!  This special event inspired me today's bouquet. Gypsophila is also commonly called baby's breath.  This flower is not often used alone, but as part as a big bouquet. I love it as a stand alone flower. I love it's airy structure and fluffiness. I think gypsophila is so tender and sweet.  This bouquet is for you my baby, my sweet little Ella! babysbreath_2Ella




The end of summer - beginning of Autumn bouquet

red_bouquet_tall_small Hello everyone! How are you doing today? I bought some flowers last week at my favourite flower shop, choose them all with long stems and decided to make two versions: One tall bouquet in a transparent vase and a small one in spotty red vase. The tall one has a autumnal touch to it, with the warm red colours. The small one with the playful red dots looks more summary. I just wanted to show you that you can get two very different results with the same flowers.  I haven't been using the spotted carafe as a vase in ages, and was very happy to use it again! Like an old you haven't met in a long time, and you suddenly realise that nothing has changed!


So! What do you think about the two bouquets? I will never want to hear agin:

"I don't have the right vase for those flowers!"

My tips are:

1- Be creative (use carafe, tea pots, glasses, etc... as vases) 2- don't be afraid to cut the leaves and shorten the stems 3- never try to stuff a vase to much, give your flowers room to breath. If you realise you bought or cut too many flowers, just make a mini version of the same bouquet, or two bouquets.









I wish you all a great day! Talk to you soon and thank you for your kind words for my interview in Sweet Living Magazin! It means the world to me. xoxo Elodie


#flowersonmyway in August

Flowers_on_my_way in August

from left to right and from top to bottom: @23qmstil//@dasrotegartenhaus//

 Hello everyone! we are already in September! unbelievable! So here are my favourite pictures for August. Thank you so much for posting your lovely flowers on Instagram with the Hashtag #flowersonmyway! Already almost 900 pictures have been posted so far. Next month, the winners will winn a little vase to display the lovely flowers they found on their way. Keep posting and discovering beauty along your way. Talk to you soon!  Elodie

Wild Flowers from Umbria

yellow_wild_flowers_from_Italy Hello everyone! Those of you who follow me on Instagram, that I just come from a week in Italy with my family. We stayed in Umbria, to be precise, in a village called Massa Martana - I could never remember the name and always said Tikka Massala ;). The house with stayed at is called Casale del Gallo was truly magical and big enough to fit 12 people. I will show you the house in another post. Today I wanted to show you some of the bouquets I made during our stay only using wild flowers growing in the property: sweet peas, scabiosa, queen anne's lace, wild mint, clover. The variety was breathtaking, and I was really not expecting finding so much beautiful flowers in this region especially in August! I wish you a great day! Talk to you soon with more impressions of our italian holiday. xoxo Elodie





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Lovely Flower Blog #10: Linger Flowers

LingerFlowers4 Hello everyone! I am back from Umbria, with a lot of impressions and over 1,000 pictures. I will show you some soon on the blog. I am very happy to introduce a new Lovely Flower Blog today. I discovered Nikki and Andy Shenk on Instagram last May and love her story and how her dream came true. I also love the fact that have been inspired and motivated by blogs and Instagram to start their floral business.

Who are you and what are you talking about in your blog?

 We’re a wife-husband duo, Nikki and Andy Shenk, that fell in love with flowers and decided to start our own business, Linger Flowers, in Cincinnati, Ohio. We focus on weddings, holidays and classes. Andy is a writer, so he runs the blog, where he features both the work we do, as well as other elements of the business and our personal life. Our name, Linger, is very significant to me and Andy and we try to capture our philosophy of savoring each moment in the day through the blog. Flowers, especially, help both of us to linger and appreciate the beauty in our life, which is what we hope to share with our community, whether that be online or in Cincinnati.  LingerFlowersNikkiShenk-LingerFlowersAndyShenk-LingerFlowers

Where does your passion for flowers come from?

 I never imagined I would be a florist when I graduated from college, but after a few years I realized that I was very drawn to floral art—wedding invitations, dresses, paintings—and wanted nothing more than to create those same beautiful designs with my own hands and with real flowers. Flower blogs and Instagram also played a big role in my decision to become a florist. I had never known just how artistic and creative florists could be until I started following them on Instagram. Now, when I look back, it makes sense. My mom was a flower enthusiast and I loved to admire her pretty blooms from the garden, as well as the arrangements she would buy from the florist. And I always loved art in school—I just never thought that it was a viable career option and didn’t connect the dots to becoming a florist. 


What inspires you?

I feel my most alive when I’m surrounded by buckets of blooms and foliage and have all afternoon to craft a new design. It’s intoxicating to be able to create beauty with fresh green stems and tender blooms. I love how flowers feel in my hands and the way that they brighten and fill a room, especially when the light is just right.  LingerFlowers5

What is your favorite flower?

Hellebores are my favorite, because the colors are so perfect. When I’m feeling wild, though, I go for fritillaria. And I have a major crush on poppies, since I couldn’t get them while Andy and I lived in Russia, where they are illegal! 


Which other flower blogs are you reading regularly?

Of florist blogs, Saipua is my favorite. In addition to being an incredible florist, Sarah Ryhanen is an exquisite writer. My other must-reads are Floret Flowers and Rosegolden Flowers. On Instagram, there are so many talented florists. My biggest obsessions right now would have to be Tinge, BRRCH, Twigss, Honey of a Thousand Flowers and McKenzie Powell

Thank you so much guys for sharing your story with us!

© pictures by LingerFlowers