Chess flower in a glass
I am back from a very nice week end with my family in France with a little sick baby. I hope she will be feeling better soon as it breaks my hearth to hear her coughing. Today, I just wanted to share a little decoration idea with you. I planted a couple of Fritillaria bulbs, also called "Chess flowers", because of their pattern or "Snake's head". You can find them on the market or at your flower shop for a couple of Euros in a plastic pot. Depending on the number of bulbs, find a glass that can fit them. I love to be able to see the white roots of the plant through the glass. After a couple, it will bloom and stay beautiful for a couple of days. After that, you can replant the bulbs in your garden or on your balcony. It makes a fabulous table top display in your living room and looks also great a the centre of the table for a nice dinner with friends. Hope you will find it inspiring for a nice February flower decoration. Talk to you soon, Elodie